jueves, 29 de abril de 2010


hoichi is a blind and he play the biwa , he is a expert , but one day
Hoichi stayed at home alone so I visit a samurai and told to go to the temple becouse the queen sasay that you're the bes player of biwa in the world . hoichi go to the temple and thouch the sig of a war but the sing is very large for that reason the samurai say to hoichi that he had to come seven nights in a row but the priest say to a subdits that " continue to Hoichi " and the means continued hoichi and lok that hoichi play the biwa to a dead people. the priest scary say to hoichi and paint in the body letters but the priest olive paint the ears . the next day the samuray go to the hoichis hause and look Hoichi that he was ignoring and that he had a spell but you forgot to paint the ears and the rip samurai. the priest look hoichi and call a doctor. the doctor healthy hoichi. finally in the world was heard the song and the story of hoiichi and hoichi become rich.

martes, 27 de abril de 2010